For over 100 years, Versailles stood for the power and prestige of the Bourdon dynasty. But it also stood for a society that was fundamentally unfair and corrupt. Romantic, but royally debauched. Glittering, but grotesquely unequal. Magnificent, but profoundly immoral. 一百多年来,凡尔赛宫一直代表着波旁王朝的权力和威望。但它也代表着根深蒂固的社会不公和腐败。皇室生性浪漫但纵情声色,金碧辉煌但极度不公,美丽壮观但道德败坏。
法兰西君主(monarque de France)正式头衔最初是“王”(法语:Roi),这部纪录片里也有描绘路易十四走进宫殿时侍卫会喊:Le Roi! 一秒脑补“皇上驾到”。拿破仑一世称“皇帝”(Empereur)。在《法国1791年宪法》短暂生效时期(1791年-1792年)和1830年七月革命后,“法兰西国王”的头衔形式被“法兰西人之王”(Roi des Français)所取代。
这是一项宪法上的创新,把君主头衔和法兰西人民而不是领土联系在一起,试图使君主制更受人民大众欢迎。拿破仑称帝后,也如法炮制,称“法兰西人的皇帝”(Empereur des Français)。
——即位和加冕—— 即位(enthronement) An enthronement is a ceremony of inauguration, involving a person—usually a monarch or religious leader—being formally seated for the first time upon their throne. This ritual is generally distinguished from a coronation because there is no crown or other regalia that is physically bestowed upon the one being enthroned, though regalia may be present at the ceremony. Enthronements occur in both church and state settings, since the throne is seen as a symbol of authority, both secular and spiritual.
加冕(coronation) A coronation is a ceremony marking the formal investiture of a monarch and/or their consort with regal power, usually involving the ritual placement of a crown upon his or her head and the presentation of other items of regalia. A ceremony without the placement of a crown on one's head is known as an enthronement. The ceremony may include the taking of special vows by the monarch, acts of homage by the new ruler's subjects and the performance of other ritual deeds of special significance to the particular nation. Once a vital ritual among the world's monarchies, coronations have changed over time for a variety of socio-political and religious factors; most modern monarchies have dispensed with them altogether, preferring simpler enthronement, investiture or benediction ceremonies. Coronations are still observed in the United Kingdom, Tonga, and several Asian countries. In common usage today, coronation normally[citation needed] refers to the official investiture or enthronement of the monarch, whether or not an actual crown is bestowed.
各国加冕仪式 In addition to investing the monarch with symbols of state, Western-style coronations have often traditionally involve anointing with holy oil, or chrism as it is often called. Wherever a ruler is anointed in this way, as in Great Britain and Tonga, this ritual takes on an overtly religious significance, following examples found in the Bible. Some other lands use bathing or cleansing rites, the drinking of a sacred beverage, or other religious practices to achieve a comparable effect. Such acts symbolise the granting of divine favour to the monarch within the relevant spiritual-religious paradigm of the country.
各国加冕和神的联系 In the past, concepts of royalty, coronation and deity were often inexorably linked. In some ancient cultures, rulers were considered to be divine or partially divine: the Egyptian Pharaoh was believed to be the son of Ra, the sun god, while in Japan, the Emperor was believed to be a descendant of Amaterasu, the sun goddess. Rome promulgated the practice of emperor worship; in Medieval Europe, monarchs claimed to have a divine right to rule. Coronations were once a direct visual expression of these alleged connections, but recent centuries have seen the lessening of such beliefs due to increasing secularization and democratization. Thus, coronations (or their religious elements, at least) have often been discarded altogether or altered to reflect the constitutional nature of the states in which they are held. However, some monarchies still choose to retain an overtly religious dimension to their accession rituals. Others have adopted simpler enthronement or inauguration ceremonies, or even no ceremony at all.
法兰西君主(monarque de France)正式头衔最初是“王”(法语:Roi),这部纪录片里也有描绘路易十四走进宫殿时侍卫会喊:Le Roi! 一秒脑补“皇上驾到”。拿破仑一世称“皇帝”(Empereur)。在《法国1791年宪法》短暂生效时期(1791年-1792年)和1830年七月革命后,“法兰西国王”的头衔形式被“法兰西人之王”(Roi des Français)所取代。
这是一项宪法上的创新,把君主头衔和法兰西人民而不是领土联系在一起,试图使君主制更受人民大众欢迎。拿破仑称帝后,也如法炮制,称“法兰西人的皇帝”(Empereur des Français)。
An enthronement is a ceremony of inauguration, involving a person—usually a monarch or religious leader—being formally seated for the first time upon their throne. This ritual is generally distinguished from a coronation because there is no crown or other regalia that is physically bestowed upon the one being enthroned, though regalia may be present at the ceremony. Enthronements occur in both church and state settings, since the throne is seen as a symbol of authority, both secular and spiritual.
A coronation is a ceremony marking the formal investiture of a monarch and/or their consort with regal power, usually involving the ritual placement of a crown upon his or her head and the presentation of other items of regalia. A ceremony without the placement of a crown on one's head is known as an enthronement. The ceremony may include the taking of special vows by the monarch, acts of homage by the new ruler's subjects and the performance of other ritual deeds of special significance to the particular nation. Once a vital ritual among the world's monarchies, coronations have changed over time for a variety of socio-political and religious factors; most modern monarchies have dispensed with them altogether, preferring simpler enthronement, investiture or benediction ceremonies. Coronations are still observed in the United Kingdom, Tonga, and several Asian countries. In common usage today, coronation normally[citation needed] refers to the official investiture or enthronement of the monarch, whether or not an actual crown is bestowed.
In addition to investing the monarch with symbols of state, Western-style coronations have often traditionally involve anointing with holy oil, or chrism as it is often called. Wherever a ruler is anointed in this way, as in Great Britain and Tonga, this ritual takes on an overtly religious significance, following examples found in the Bible. Some other lands use bathing or cleansing rites, the drinking of a sacred beverage, or other religious practices to achieve a comparable effect. Such acts symbolise the granting of divine favour to the monarch within the relevant spiritual-religious paradigm of the country.
In the past, concepts of royalty, coronation and deity were often inexorably linked. In some ancient cultures, rulers were considered to be divine or partially divine: the Egyptian Pharaoh was believed to be the son of Ra, the sun god, while in Japan, the Emperor was believed to be a descendant of Amaterasu, the sun goddess. Rome promulgated the practice of emperor worship; in Medieval Europe, monarchs claimed to have a divine right to rule. Coronations were once a direct visual expression of these alleged connections, but recent centuries have seen the lessening of such beliefs due to increasing secularization and democratization. Thus, coronations (or their religious elements, at least) have often been discarded altogether or altered to reflect the constitutional nature of the states in which they are held. However, some monarchies still choose to retain an overtly religious dimension to their accession rituals. Others have adopted simpler enthronement or inauguration ceremonies, or even no ceremony at all.
兰开斯特王朝 1422年-1453年
法国大革命t1789年 (法兰西王国和波旁王朝被推翻)
* 国民公会t1792年–1795年
* 督政府t1795年–1799年
* 执政府t1799年–1804年
——法兰西第一帝国——t1804年–1814年 (波拿巴王朝的十年统治)
波旁复辟t1814年–1815年 (拿破仑在莱比锡战役中败于反法同盟,波旁王朝首次复辟)
法兰西第一帝国复辟 1815.3-1815.7(拿破仑回巴黎复位,波拿巴皇朝首次复辟,百日王朝)
波旁王朝二次复辟 1815-1830(拿破仑在滑铁卢战役中败于反法同盟,波旁王朝再次复辟)
七月王朝t1830年–1848年 (奥尔良王朝)
二月革命t1848年 (推翻七月王朝)
——法兰西第二帝国——t1852年–1870年 (波拿巴皇朝二次复辟)
——第三共和国——t1871年–1940年 (1870年拿破仑三世在普法战争色当战役中兵败被俘,帝位被废,第二帝国和波拿巴皇朝被推翻。第三共和国建立后,法国再也没有出现事实上的君主。)